Building on a succession of Safer Internet programmes, BetterInternet for Kids (BIK) is the latest European Commission-fundedinitiative aimed at creating a better internet for Europe’s childrenand youth.
Building on a succession of Safer Internet programmes, BetterInternet for Kids (BIK) is the latest European Commission-fundedinitiative aimed at creating a better internet for Europe’s childrenand youth.
The Open Book examines how innovation, especially technology-inspired innovation is defined, showcasing over a hundred ground-breaking initiatives in schools across Europe.
Launched on the occasion of European Shoolnet’s 20th anniversary, this publication reflects on the network’s past and its vision for the future.
The publication presents a selection of eTwinning projects and activities that promote inclusive education and shows how the teachers and the pupils involved in the community contribute to addressing the educational challenges of today.
The report addresses school leaders and IT administrators that have decided to implement BYOD and are looking for practical introductory advice regarding the technical aspects of it.
The report highlights the most relevant findings in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education and provides policy recommendations for schools, policymakers and the private educational and technological sector on how to better integrate these innovations in schools.
This booklet is a summary of the eTwinning Monitoring Survey Report, published every two years, which takes stock of the action’s key achievements as well as the areas in need of further development, through an analysis of a largescale survey of eTwinning respondents.
The STEM Alliance has published the "Teacher Placement Initiatives – Collection of Best Practices" booklet, containing a selection of 15 initiatives collected from 10 countries around the world, providing inspiring examples of STEM teacher placements in industry.
This Activity Report documents European Schoolnet’s activities during 2016, highlighting the organization’s main achievements and lessons learned.
The report focuses on how STEM education can improve students' learning outcomes and skills development, with the help of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).