Discover the latest research and policy insights, European Schoolnet Perspective Paper highlights how social robots can serve as valuable teaching assistants, helping vulnerable learners and enriching the classroom experience for all.
Discover the latest research and policy insights, European Schoolnet Perspective Paper highlights how social robots can serve as valuable teaching assistants, helping vulnerable learners and enriching the classroom experience for all.
This publication serves as a resource for school leaders seeking to develop a whole-school digital education strategy that strengthens teachers’ efforts to foster students’ digital competences. Drawing on insights from 15 case studies across eight European countries, it offers practical guidance while recognising that each school’s approach should align with its unique values, vision, and needs.
The latest Perspective Paper, Issue 13, offers educators practical insights into the integration of playful learning within a digitalised education environment. It emphasises the importance of fostering creativity, collaboration, and student well-being through open-ended, interactive methods, while also addressing the impact of digital tools on learning and emotional development.
European Schoolnet’s Agile Collection of Information
This report by European Schoolnet summarises insights from 17 education systems in 16 European countries about screen time and digital device use in schools. It highlights policy concerns, especially around mobile phones, focusing on mental and physical health, as well as disruptions in concentration.
The EUN InnovatED webinar titled "Student Data Handling: A Balancing Act Between Innovation and Privacy," held in May 2024, addressed the complexities of managing student data.
This report is the 4th annual evaluation report for the EUN Academy, and it examines the aggregated data from all EUN Academy courses that ran in 2023.
This case study on the Digital Transition Plan for Education in Portugal is the first in a series of publications that will lift the veil on system change in education, with a focus on digital transformation and related social innovation.
About the EUN InnovatED webinar series
This series of online events addresses a range of topics around innovation in education. Guest experts share insights and expertise on issues around digital well-being and inclusion, artificial intelligence in education, digital safety, and the role of private actors in education.
The menABLE research report presents a comprehensive synthesis of the key findings emerged from literature review, qualitative focus groups, and semi-structured interviews involving diverse stakeholders and experts in the field of GBV online. By documenting the current state of the art, it identifies specific areas for intervention and conducts a comparative analysis across partner countries (Belgium, Denmark, and Greece). Serving as both theoretical and empirical foundation, the report contributes to the educational and awareness-raising initiatives of the project, including valuable insights to combat gender-based violence online.
About the EUN InnovatED webinar series
This series of online events addresses a range of topics around innovation in education. Guest experts share insights and expertise on issues around digital well-being and inclusion, artificial intelligence in education, digital safety, and the role of private actors in education.