image The following report outlines a set of guidelines and examples of what is considered as effective practices for online learning in primary or secondary school settings.The guidelines build on the extensive academic literature that examines online learning in general, the more limited literature on online learning in primary and secondary school settings, and reports and guidelines prepared by a variety of educational, non-governmental, and governmental organisations either prior to the pandemic or as support for teachers during the pandemic.

The guidelines also offer concrete examples and teacher quotes taken from the literature and reports as well as from conversations with 7 experienced teachers and school principles from Ireland, Czech Republic, Portugal, and Italy who were interviewed for the purposes of this report.This report should therefore support teachers in consolidating their experiences and the guidance they received over the past two years into a comprehensive but concise overview of good practices to consider and implement whenever they utilize online learning modalities as part of the “new normal”.

Benjamin Hertz, European Schoolnet (with contributions from Silvia Couvaneiro, University of Lisbon)
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