image The present report focuses on the levels of cooperation on the job and reciprocal professional feedbacks existing among EU teachers. Moreover, it tries to ascertain whether these two topics are related to those studied in Volume 1, namely to activities of continuous professionaldevelopment (CPD), induction experiences, innovative teaching practices, students’ assessment methods and professional self-efficacy.

This report (henceforth: Volume 2), titled “Collaboration levels and feedback among European teachers. A second level analysis of TALIS 2018 data set”, complements and deepens the former FBK-IRVAPP’s report, titled “Continuous professional development, professional capabilities and innovative teaching practices among European teachers.A second level analysis of TALIS 2018 data set”, and has been commissioned by European Schoolnet.

Antonio Schizzerotto, Nicola Bazoli and Sergiu Burlacu
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