image ‘eSafety Label+: Become the next eSafety Champion’ is an Erasmus+ project aiming to mobilise and foster the exchange of knowledge and best practices among a wide community of European teachers and other school actors to better equip schools for a safe and responsible digital future.

The main aim of this manifesto is to provide a summary of the eSafety Label+ project and highlight lessons learned. It provides an overview of the current online safety landscape with reference to the challenges that young people are facing online. It makes recommendations for policy makers and practitioners with regards to how to move online safety education and provision forwards.

As a result of the bottom-up approach used throughout the project, a number of resources have been created by the eSafety Champions and further information about these can be found in this manifesto along with a summary of activities that took place both locally and nationally to disseminate the project and associated outputs.

European Schoolnet
educational authorities, policy makers, teachers
Digital Citizenship
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