NanOpinion project built an online portal offering a repository of the best resources on nanotechnologies from all of Europe. The portal offered new content from top media partners from 4 different countries, a virtual lab to perform research, and sections for online debates.

PATHWAY project evaluated existing educational methods to promote the effective, widespread use of inquiry- and problem-based science teaching in schools in Europe and beyond.

The Quantum Spinoff project aimed to bring science teachers and their pupils in direct contact with research and entrepreneurship in the high-tech nano sector, with the goal of educating a new generation of scientifically literate European citizens and inspiring young people to choose for science and technology careers.

SENnet provides information and support for those working to develop the use of technology to improve access for school age learners with special educational needs.

SMILE aimed to improve our understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with how kids are growing up in a world of social media and technology.

The TeLLNet project aimed to understand better the construct of teacher networks and how they can offer informal ways to support teachers' competence building and personal and professional development.

The Entrepreneurial School was a 3-year project aimed to train over 4000 teachers across 18 countries in entrepreneurial learning.

U4energy was the first pan-European competition on energy education organised by the European Commission. Schools from all over Europe shared their results beyond their national boundaries.

UniSchooLabS aimed to improve the quality of science education in Europe, by promoting collaboration between universities and schools in the provision of remote access to science laboratories for primary and secondary schools through Internet-based services and mobile learning devices.

Concentrating on chemistry and physics, Xperimania aimed to boost young people's interest in science. The project helped students in secondary school and their teachers to understand the wide range of chemistry applications in our day-to-day life.
