GLOBAL excursion (Extended Curriculum for Science Infrastructure Online) aimed to provide young citizens and their educators (teachers, parents, etc.) across Europe with a range of e-Infrastructures and access to expert knowledge on their usage for a joyful exploration of e-Science through e-Infrastructure.

The Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs was a Commission-led multi-stakeholder partnership created to tackle the lack of digital skills in Europe.

ICT for Information Accessibility in Learning (ICT4IAL) was a network of partners to foster accessibility of information in learning.

inGenious was the European Coordinating Body in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education.

In iTEC (Innovative Technologies for Engaging Classrooms), European Schoolnet worked with education ministries, technology providers, and research organisations to transform the way that technology is used in schools.

KeyCoNet was a European Policy Network on the Implementation of Key Competence Development (KCD) in School Education.

Kodu Kup Europe was a competition challenging pupils to develop their own games using the Kodu Game Lab tools and take their first steps in coding in a fun and easy way.

The LangOER project addressed the use of Open Education Resources (OER) in order to promote less used languages by bringing together the worlds of Open Education and less used languages (including Regional and Minority Languages) in a fruitful and long-term dialogue.

With the participation of 15 partners, including 12 education ministries, Living Schools Lab project promoted a whole-school approach to ICT use, scaling up best practices in the use of ICT between schools with various levels of technological proficiency.

The Nanochannels project was a unique public experiment of democratic dialogue in action about the new industrial revolution that could change the face of medicine, energy production and water purification, electronics, materials, and security.
