
Europeana DSI-2

Launched in July 2016, Europeana DSI-2 operated a multi-sided platform for cultural heritage. It aimed to maximise impact for business that wish to re-use cultural heritage data and the organisations that own digital or digitised objects by attracting the attention of new users.

The role of European Schoolnet in the project was to carry out a validation pilot involving 20 teachers from 10 countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, and Portugal). The aim was to: develop and test pedagogical scenarios and learning activities that incorporate Europeana content; assess the pedagogical added value of using Europeana content in real classroom contexts; provide evaluation data and recommendations to help Europeana mainstream re-use of digital cultural content in primary and secondary schools.

Website: http://pro.europeana.eu/use-our-data/education

Duration: 2016 -2017

Funding: Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme of the European Union

Social media:
Facebook: @Europeana
LinkedIn: Europeana Education

  • Status: Past