Do you believe all students should be engaged in the lessons and have access to better education? Do you think that digital skills are key competences that needs to be mastered, as nowadays they become as important as literacy and numeracy? Then check out the DIS-CODE project

Have you participated in any of our projects? Have you benefited from our online courses on the European Schoolnet Academy? Are you aware of our Future Classroom Lab in Brussels? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, we want to hear from you!

The STEM Alliance has just published a "Teacher Placement Initiatives – Collection of Best Practices" publication, containing 15 initiatives from 10 countries around the world, providing inspiring examples of STEM teacher placements in industry which really work to the benefit of all actors.

How well is Information and Communications Technology (ICT) integrated in Initial Teacher Education (ITE) curricula? Do student teachers receive sufficient training to develop the pedagogical ICT competences needed in the digital age?<

Science teachers must every so often be ready to prepare lessons for many different subjects. The 15th Science Projects Workshop in the Future Classroom Lab (SPW15), held from 23 to 25 June 2017, provided teachers with training in a great range of science subjects.

Starting from June 15, 2017, the online campaign "Meet and greet the Go-Lab Ambassadors" will be taking place on the social media channels of the Go-Lab community – on Facebook and Twitter.

On 15 June, European Schoolnet was delighted to welcome the representative of our Luxembourgish Ministry of Education member, Christian Lamy, together with school inspector Marc Bodson, a group of 20 primary school teachers, and staff members of SCRIPT (Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation Pédagogiques et Technologiques).

STEM Alliance publishes two new literature reviews that demonstrate how important it is that pedagogy drives technology in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education, not vice versa. Teachers, schools and education authorities are advised to carefully examine how STEM curricula can meaningfully incorporate technology.

To mark our 20th anniversary, European Schoolnet has been coordinating a series of activities to showcase the work we have achieved so far, as well as reflect on the road ahead.

Throughout Europe (and beyond!) enthusiastic teachers, parents and educators like yourself are finding ways to creatively use the Space Awareness resources in inspiring young people with space science. The Space Awareness project would like to celebrate the benefits that your hard work has achieved, and share your successes so that your peers can learn from them.
