On the 5th of October, educators and school communities around the world came together to celebrate the 2023 edition of World Teachers' Day. This day carried a theme that highlights a worldwide urgency: "The teachers we need for the education we want: The global imperative to reverse the teacher shortage."

European Schoolnet is optimistic about how the EdTech landscape is evolving in Europe, as suggested in our new report "Accelerating EdTech Start-ups in Europe" launched at the School Innovation Forum in Brussels in June 2023. This year, thought leaders in education from both the public and private sectors in Europe joined the 2023 School Innovation Forum (6-7 June 2023) to share their views on how to bring innovation to teaching and learning in times of transformation.

Discover how the European project "Implementing an effective induction system for novice teachers" is helping schools in Flanders to welcome, motivate and guide early-career teachers in their profession. Following the request of the Flemish Department of Education and Training, this project, funded by the European Union through the Structural Reform Support Programme and implemented by European Schoolnet in co-operation with the European Commission, was designed to encourage the implementation of teacher induction reform in the Flemish Community of Belgium.

After participating in a European Schoolnet Academy MOOC, participants experienced a significant boost in confidence in relation to implementing the course subject matter into their practice.

The PNRR is a strategic plan that aims to modernise and improve the Italian economy, making it more sustainable, innovative, and competitive.

Over the past two school years, Flanders has been focusing on reinforcing schools' ICT infrastructure. It plays an important role and therefore it has been the primary focus of a large financial incentive which aims to give schools the means to take a leap forward and close the digital divide between them.

The 2023 edition of the School Innovation Forum was held on June 6-7 in Brussels under the theme "Innovating in times of transformation". The annual event gathered over 130 education stakeholders for two days of discussions on the present challenges and future opportunities of K12 education in Europe, particularly with respect to technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Attendees had the chance to hear observations and viewpoints from European and national policymakers, EdTech industry partners, education researchers and members of the academia.

European Schoolnet is presenting the first publication of its Special Interest Group on "Small and Rural Schools" titled "Rural Schools Under Focus". This publication features 11 monographies, covering 11 countries (Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Poland, Serbia, Sweden, Spain) in 11 languages and a comparative analysis of the findings of these monographies.

European Schoolnet presents a positive overview of how the EdTech landscape is evolving in Europe with the launch of the report "Accelerating EdTech Start-ups in Europe" launched on 6 June at the School Innovation Forum in Brussels.

Education Transformation in 2022: Shaping Europe's Future In 2022, the education community demonstrated remarkable flexibility and innovation, navigating a fast-paced world and emphasizing the reinvention of teaching and learning environments. European Schoolnet reaffirmed its commitment to supporting European Ministries of Education, driving innovative, inclusive, and responsible education solutions.
