European Schoolnet Academy, Scientix and STE(A)M IT have joined forces to launch the first STEM MOOCs package with a unique special certificate to obtain from European Schoolnet Academy!
STEM EducationKeep up-to-date
Should schools reopen before or after summer vacation? Schools around Europe are slowly beginning to reopen but great disparities exist between countries and the school calendar has never been so undefined for millions of learners. Even when their health situation is comparable, the answers diverge.
Professional DevelopmentNovigado is a new project with an objective to support schools and related stakeholders in the transition from a conventional and teacher-centred classroom into teaching practices that promote active learning with the support of innovative learning environments and use of relevant ICT.
Professional DevelopmentThe Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition calls for pledges to address the surging need for digital skills and solutions in these exceptional times. Across Europe, teaching and learning has moved online. While teachers in some schools and regions may be familiar with different Digital Education platforms, they are suddenly in a position where they may have to lead in producing, sourcing and manipulating digital learning content while ensuring that learner progression continues and is fairly assessed.
Professional DevelopmentDid you know that more than 40% of the estimated 6000 languages spoken in the world are in danger?
Professional DevelopmentToday, 11th February 2020, we celebrate Safer Internet Day (SID) – the annual flagship campaign under the European Strategy for Better Internet for Children.
Digital CitizenshipAccording to the European Commission, women represent only the 17% of ICT specialists and the 34% of STEM graduates. In the same way, UNESCO affirms that less than 30% of researchers worldwide are women.
STEM EducationDuring our annual conference EMINENT 2019, European Schoolnet has brought together in Warsaw, Poland, more than 140 participants from 33 countries: its network of Ministries of Education, the European Commission, educational stakeholders and industry partners to explore what is the European state-of-play of innovation at whole-school level.
Evidence for InnovationOn Thursday, 21 November 2019, the Safer Internet Forum (SIF) will take place in Brussels Belgium. With a theme of "From online violence to digital respect", it will also celebrate 20 years of safer/better internet funding by the European Commission.
Digital CitizenshipGrant Hendrik Tonne, Minister of Education and Culture of Lower Saxony, Germany, visited European Schoolnet's Future Classroom Lab (FCL) early September, together with Christel Schröder and Nina Graf, from the Ministry of Education and Culture of Lower Saxony, and Corinna Robertson-Liersch, from the Representation of Lower Saxony in Brussels.
Evidence for Innovation