As we celebrate International Women's Day, it is crucial to acknowledge the ongoing economic, social, and technological obstacles that women continue to encounter. Despite the significant progress that our society has achieved, gender disparities still persist. In particular, if we look at the tech industry :

Teachers can use formative assessment to improve their teaching and empower their students to guide their own learning. However, many teachers in OECD countries are still not making regular use of formative assessment practices. Training and encouraging teachers in using formative assessment can be cost-effective according to research, but teachers need the support of other education stakeholders to invest time and effort in trying formative assessment. Furthermore, digital tools can facilitate formative assessment, but their potential remains largely untapped.

The 2023 STEM Discovery Campaign is a joint international initiative organised by Scientix that invites educators, projects, organisations, libraries, schools, universities, youth clubs and all interested stakeholders across Europe and the world to celebrate careers and studies in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The campaign started on 1 February 2023 and will run until the end of April, with a peak of activities from 24-30 April.

This year, on January 24, the world celebrates the fifth International Day of Education under the theme "to invest in people, prioritize education". The initiative, undertaken by UNESCO, intends to highlight the crucial importance of education as a human right, a public good and a public responsibility.

European Schoolnet's latest report urges policymakers to take time to reflect on lessons learned during Covid-19, to re-think and re-shape school education.

World Teachers' Day is celebrated on 5 October. An important day declared by UNESCO in 1966. This year's theme is "Transforming education begins with teachers", and it emphasises the role that teachers have in developing the potential of their learners.

Since 2014, 15 July marks the World Youth Skills Day, a day dedicated to celebrating the importance of equipping young people with the skills to engage in the world of work and entrepreneurship; The theme of this year is: "Learning and skills for life, work, and sustainable development".

European education experts from the private and public sector met in Brussels to rethink the role of pedagogy, technology, and design in the classroom, at the third edition of the School Innovation Forum, on 9 and 10 June 2022.

We invite you to rewatch the live event which is available on our YouTube's channel

European Schoolnet is delighted to share with you our latest annual report. Our annual report summarises European Schoolnet's main activities, bringing to life our work for our education community, our members, our people and our society in 2021!

New guidelines on online learning and teaching

Following the pandemic and the adoption of remote learning, educational practices have changed, and schools and teachers have been challenged to develop teaching methods to accommodate this "new normal".
