On 26-27 September the ‘Open Education: Promoting Diversity for European Languages' conference of the LangOER project, organized by European Schoolnet, took place successfully in Brussels.

From 26 to 27 September 2016, European Schoolnet is organizing the Educational Repositories Network, entitled ‘Open Education: Promoting Diversity for European Languages' in Brussels, Belgium.

The European Coding Initiative, along with the European Schoolnet's Future Classroom Lab ambassadors and Learning Labs' network, will hold an international hackathon on 20th of October, where teams from schools and learning labs across Europe and beyond will have the chance to build and share their projects.

ICT and innovation in teaching and learning: opportunities for regions and cities to promote better social inclusion.

We are happy to announce the winners of the ‪‎STEM4YOU‬ competition who will be invited to attend a two-day prize event in Brussels in November! Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who took part in the initiative!‬

The current political momentum around skills is certainly welcomed by those whom, as European Schoolnet, strongly believe in the importance of skills and education to thrive in society.

Transform education to secure learners develop the competences they need to strive in the world of today and tomorrow – the challenge ahead for FCL Regio.

The team at European Schoolnet is deeply saddened by the loss of so many lives today in the attacks which took place in Brussels. We would like to express our sincere condolences to the families and friends of the victims.

Are you interested in key competences and their assessment? Do you want to know more about European Schoolnet projects for teachers? Then join the 1st TASK workshop "TASK in progress"! The workshop will take place on 10 May 2016 from 10:00h – 17:00h, in the premises of European Schoolnet in Brussels, Rue de Trèves 61.

Teaching students not only knowledge but also support the development of their key competences is seen as vital for their success in today's society and employment market. Still, the assessment of these competences is a challenge.
