New Web We Want handbook for teachers launches today
Today, the Web We Want handbook for educators has been launched at Google office in Brussels. Members of the European Parliament, industry representitives, teachers and other educational experts met to discuss the role of public-private partnerships in making a better internet for children, the importance of the European e-Competence Framework and how teachers can be supported by the handbook.
The Web We Want for young people, launched on Safer Internet Day February 2013 by the Insafe network, aimed to explore rights and responsibilities and encourage reflection on their and peers' behaviour. Just as The Web We Want was developed by young people for young people, the lessons in the Web We Want handbook for educators have been designed by teachers for teachers across Europe and beyond.
The lesson plans propose ideas and activities to encourage young people to develop the creative and critical thinking skills essential for a fulfilled life in the world of tomorrow. All the lesson plans align with the European e-Competence Framework, which helps identify and describe ICT-related competences according to the European Qualification Framework approach and outlines the methodological choices behind it.
Discover how this new handbook helps teachers integrate the online activities of young people into their teaching curricula. Download the handbook.
Visit the Web We Want website: www.webwewant.eu
Contact us with your own lesson plan suggestions and resources at infowww@eun.org.