
Untapped Potential for Online Teacher Professional Development - New Perspective Analyses TALIS Data

Online courses and seminars can be a beneficial form of continuous professional development (CPD) for teachers, according to further analysis of the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey TALIS data. Yet only 34% of teachers in the European Union have participated in online training in the past year according to the TALIS survey, suggesting a significant untapped potential for online professional learning.

Second-level analysis commissioned by the European Schoolnet and undertaken by the FBK-IRVAPP concludes that online courses and seminars can be a valid and cost-effective form of CPD for teachers. By participating in online courses in the past year, teachers are more likely to feel confident in their teaching and make use of innovative teaching practices. Moreover, educators who participated in a CPD activity in ICT are more likely to feel confident in using ICT in their teaching and more likely to actually use it in their classes.

The "Continuous Professional Development through and in ICT" perspective issue presents highlights from the second-level analysis of the TALIS 2018 data and the most recent International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS) survey offering concrete ideas for policy action.

The European Schoolnet's Perspectives series bring forward findings from educational research, analyse its implications and translate these into concrete ideas for policy action for our key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, and industry partners.
