
Open call for teachers: Join the BIK Teacher Voice Panel

Better Internet for Kids (BIK) is looking for you! Are you a teacher of pre-school, primary, or secondary education? Do you have an awareness of – or interest in – keeping children and young people safe online? Can you contribute your views and experiences on a range of topics ranging from children's rights in the digital world, to whole-school approaches to esafety?

If you have answered yes to all of the above, then we want to hear from you!


About BIK
The Better Internet for Kids (BIK) project is delivered as an initiative of the European Commission to create a better internet for children and young people. In more practical terms, its mission is to foster the exchange of knowledge, expertise, resources and best practices between key online safety stakeholders in order to increase access to high-quality content for children and young people, step up awareness and empowerment, create a safe environment for children online, and fight against child sexual abuse and child sexual exploitation.

The BIK Teacher Voice Panel
We are increasing our resources for the teacher and educator community (see, for example, the BIK Teacher corner) and are putting together a BIK Teacher Voice Panel to give input on ideas, initiatives and resources, so that we can better meet your needs.

We will also call on members of this new BIK Teacher Voice Panel periodically to provide representation at the BIK Advisory Board, the annual Safer Internet Forum (SIF), project focus groups and task forces (on topics such as youth consumer protection and age verification), and high-level consultations on online safety matters.

Please note, to participate in this call, you should:

  1. Be actively teaching in an EU country (geographical scope for participation may be extended beyond EU countries in future rounds).
  2. Be actively teaching children and young people in pre-school, primary or secondary education (until the age of 18 years old).
  3. Have an awareness of online safety and media literacy issues.
  4. Be able to express your ideas and opinions clearly in English in written and spoken form. 

Express your interest to join the BIK Teacher Voice Panel by filling in this form.


Please note, participation in the BIK Teacher Voice Panel is on a voluntary basis, and neither financial reward nor certification is offered to panellists. In the exceptional case that panellists may be asked to attend an event in person, expenses will be reimbursed following prior agreement.
