Implementing an Effective Induction System for Novice Teachers in Flanders
Beginning teachers are the future of the profession, bringing new ideas and enthusiasm to teaching and learning and ensuring an adequate supply of teachers in the classroom. Yet in Flanders, as elsewhere in Europe, statistics show a high dropout rate after only a short time in the profession. To avoid this, research shows that investing time and energy in beginning teachers' induction and longer-term professional development really pays off and benefits everyone.
That is why, the main objective of this project was to strengthen the implementation of beginning teacher induction in schools, engage with Pedagogical Guidance Services (Pedagogische begeleidingsdiensten), initial teacher education and other relevant stakeholders in improving and helping beginning teachers.
It brought together, both, research and practice evidence on teacher induction in an overarching framework for induction and a series of guidelines for school team, mentors, school leaders and beginning teachers themselves - all piloted and evaluated in schools during 2021 and 2022, and subsequently revised.
Three networks (GO!, POV/OVSG and Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen) contacted schools clusters of their network and came back end of May, beginning of June 2021 with a proposal of 5 clusters to be involved in the pilot activities, covering altogether primary and secondary education levels (two clusters were proposed by GO!, two by POV/OVSG and one by Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen).
Go! education network:
- - Leercollectief cluster with 7 primary and secondary schools
- - Bruxellia school group with 17 primary and secondary schools
POV education network:
- - PROGEM cluster with 9 secondary schools
- - Limburg cluster with 3 secondary schools Katholiek onderwijs
- - Saeftinghe cluster with 8 primary schools
The framework and guidelines can be used by schools and groups of schools in different ways, for example, to:
- - create or improve induction policies and practices, as part of their overall professional learning strategies;
- - stimulate discussions and support professional development meetings or bilateral professional conversations;
- - involve the whole school team in induction within a professional learning culture;
- - broaden the range of induction and mentoring activities;
- - support self-reflection and the development of professional competences;
- - help beginning teachers understand the types of support and activities they may expect during the induction period.
Discover the outcomes of this project:
- ·An inspiring framework for induction
- -School leader guidelines
- ·School team guidelines
- -Mentor guidelines
- ·Beginning teacher guidelines
All publications produced by the project are available both under KlasCement and the European Schoolnet's Publications.