
ICT Competences for Teachers as a Priority

Over the past two school years, Flanders has been focusing on reinforcing schools' ICT infrastructure. It plays an important role and therefore it has been the primary focus of a large financial incentive which aims to give schools the means to take a leap forward and close the digital divide between them.

Furthermore, a set of different actions have been set up aiming to aid schools in designing and establishing a well-considered ICT policy plan. To ensure the roll-out of these plans, it is mandatory to keep professionalising teachers. This has been the goal of various actions which are now being implemented. One of these actions is the tool DIGISNAP which Flanders developed. This self-reflection tool aims to give teachers and school boards an insight into their ICT competences. The tool is based on the DigCompEdu framework and offers personalised advice and learning suggestions. A unique feature is the link to a training database which consists of 400 training courses from external partners. The tool has been operational for six months and 17% of Flemish teachers have already used it. Recently, the Flemish government has also issued a contract which is better known as the ICT bootcamps. This contract aims to support schools by giving them the chance to register in two different ICT bootcamps.

Schools can count on free guidance to increase the ICT competences of teacher teams in primary education and to enable ICT teams from all educational levels to develop their ICT policy plan.

In total, almost 200 schools will be able to participate in the ICT bootcamps. In addition, all schools in Flanders received an extra budget intended for ICT training. The sum of all these actions should result in ICT-savvy teachers who can meaningfully implement ICT in their lessons.
