Networking is about growing together. European Schoolnet empowers individual educators by providing opportunities to meet and collaborate, to develop and improve thousands of schools. Our networking activities enabled educators from different countries and varied backgrounds to learn from each other, get inspired to tackle new challenges, and emulate their most innovative and creative colleagues. Furthermore, networking allows the whole system to grow; everyone can help and support others with their competences, skills, attitudes, and qualities.

One of the top priorities of European Schoolnet is to enable schools and teachers across Europe to become part of an interconnected system, and benefit from the experiences of the most innovative schools and nurture the less advanced ones for the sake and growth of the whole network.

Networking and exchange of practice among practitioners are part of many European Schoolnet projects. The main school networking projects are:

  • eTwinning : Currently available in 43 European countries and funded under the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, promotes school collaboration and teachers' professional development by providing support, tools, and services for schools through a variety of means, including a sophisticated digital platform where school staff can develop projects together and participate in online learning opportunities. Funded under the Erasmus+ programme, eTwinning is a vibrant community that, in its 18 years of existence, has reached over 1 million teachers working in 230,000 schools. Operated by European Schoolnet since 2015.
  • European School Education Platform : Launched in 2022, the new integrated platform will gradually encompass the eTwinning community services, all previous activities of the School Education Gateway, and the professional development activities (formerly known as Teacher Academy). The European School Education Platform will become a new meeting point for all stakeholders in the school education sector – school staff, researchers, policymakers, and other professionals – spanning every level from early childhood education and care to primary and secondary schools, including initial vocational education and training. The platform is possible thanks to funding from Erasmus+ and the initiative of the European Commission.

eTwinning and the European School Education Platform are initiatives of the European Union funded by the Erasmus+ programme.