Digital education has gained in importance across all education systems since the COVID-19 sanitary crisis. Large initiatives, like the Digital Education Action Plan of the European Commission and its Recovery and Resilience Facility have been a catalyst for significant policy initiatives to be taken in all countries.

The need for solid evidence to support those policy initiatives, as well as teaching practice in schools , on a broad set of digital education topics has led European Schoolnet to enlarge and deepen its knowledge base. The sudden and omnipresent attention dedicated to Artificial Intelligence, its use and impact on education made the demand for grounded evidence even more pressing and complex. An increased attention to inclusion, ethical issues and responsible use of technology in digital learning environment, also became high on the agenda.
Our Work
Our work focuses on building knowledge on innovation in education, based on research, policy and practice to generate objective and critical thinking and influence informed decisions.
Our evidence of innovation in education encompasses:
- 1. Agile Collection of Information (ACI) Series: addressing digital education policymaking issues of interest at country and EU levels
- 2. Perspectives Series: broker research findings developed through European projects and activities to national policymakers.
- 3. Case Studies about recent reforms at country level
- 4. Study visit reports
- 5. Policy recommendations
- 6. InnovatED Webinars and Podcast series
Agile EDU
Agile EDU is a three-year project identifying the key success factors for supporting the implementation, at scale, of digital education ecosystems involved in the definition, collection and use of data about student learning. The use of data enabling an inclusive digital education will be a core concern. Case studies and learning stories, expert validation workshops, dialogue Labs between all stakeholders involved, and surveys of policy initiatives – all part of an iterative and agile process - are the main building blocks of the project. The outcomes will be an increased expertise through the analysis of existing practices, and a professional community in the area of data about student learning.
21st Century European Teachers
The overall objective of the 21st Century European Teachers project (Teacher Academy project XXI-TEACH-EU), funded by Erasmus + programme, is to gain insight into how European teachers can approach and develop teaching in emerging subject areas (Technological empowerment, Sustainable learning, Entrepreneurship, Playful learning), that arise as a result of large complex upheavals affecting society e.g., climate changes and the ubiquitous digital development.
Teachers are key drivers of change in Europe's education and society as a whole, playing a pivotal role in the successful implementation of the European Commission's Digital Education Action Plan. ContinueUP, supports the effective continued development of European teachers across their entire professional career, from initial teacher education to continuous teacher training.
European Schoolnet is a partner of the EIBURS project. The focus is on analysing public investment trends in digital education technologies; gaining a deeper and comparative understanding on how new technologies enter and change school practice; estimating the costs for public authorities for implementing new technologies in schools; and building evidence on what works, by estimating the impact of selected new technologies on student outcomes. The project started in June 2022 and will run until 2025, entirely funded by the European Investment Bank's University Research Sponsorship program.
European Schoolnet runs large-scale policy experimentations which use rigorous research methods to develop innovative educational tools and resources which are then tested in order to arrive at results that can be effectively mainstreamed. The outputs of our latest policy experimentations include:
> Assess@Learning Toolkit Assess@Learning systemic toolkit to inspire and support the use of digital formative assessment (DFA) at the lower secondary education level in schools with a set of awareness-raising and practical support resources for teachers, students, headteachers, parents, and policymakers. |
> SRSP Flanders
Guiding early-career teachers in the profession: thanks to the outputs of the European project SRSP Flanders on "Implementing an effective induction system for novice teachers", developed to help schools in Flanders to welcome, motivate and guide early-career teachers in their profession.
> TeachUP
(Teacher UPskilling Policy experimentation) developed online courses for teachers in Initial Teacher Education (ITE) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) on topics related to their new role: Teacher collaboration, Personalising learning, Formative peer assessment and Creativity.