EMINENT is the Experts Meeting in Education Networking annual event organised by European Schoolnet (EUN). It brings experts in education, Ministries representatives and other stakeholders to discuss the latest trends in education and technology. EMINENT 2015 was focused on Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) in Education and Life and was organized in collaboration with Scientix, the community for science education in Europe, as well as the Department of Education of Catalonia.
The collaboration with Scientix impacted the number of participants (increasing the participation from ~150 to 260), the content (with the inclusion of stands, workshops and presentations on STEM education issues) and opening the door to invited project representatives beyond those in which European Schoolnet is involved (not done until then).

On Twitter: #EMINENT2015 #ScientixWorks
Dates and location: Barcelona, 19 – 20 November 2015 Venue: Telefonica Tower 

The conference was by invitation only.

Find a summary of the event in the Eminent news article. See the event's page for more details on the Scientix website.

Presentations, programme and pictures 

  • Presentations from Ministries of Education
    • France: French Ministry STEM politics in the last 10 years (Bertrand Pajot)
    • Israel: Building a reserve of STEM students in Israel (Ofer Rimon)
    • The Netherlands: Promotion of STEM in The Netherlands – Incentive-driven policy (Lucie Gooskens)
    • Finland: New national core curricula in science and mathematics – theory and practice(Teijo Koljonen)
    • Portugal: STEM education in Portugal - Strategy and initiatives (João Carlos Sousa)
    • Sweden: Peer learning - a Swedish program for professional development for science and technology teachers (Karin Bårman)
    • Lithuania: STEAM education in Lithuania - developing a culture of innovations (Giedrius Vaidelis)
    • Belgium (Flanders): The STEM Reference Framework for Schools as part of the STEM Action Plan 2012-2020 (Christel Op de Beeck)
    • Malta: STEM popularisation – the Malta experience (Mario Muscat)
  • Scientix results and the future by Agueda Gras
  • Actions for the future, conclusions and farewell by Marc Durando, Executive Director of European Schoolnet
Workshops slides or materials